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Home > Software > Email > How-to: Add a Shared Mailbox
How-to: Add a Shared Mailbox
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Shared mailboxes are email addresses which are not logged into directly with a password, but rather can be accessed through your primary email inbox. They should appear as a separate folder in the left pane. Depending on your type of access, you may also be able to change the "From: " field to a shared mailbox address when sending/replying to an email by clicking on the field.


Shared mailboxes should automatically be added to your Outlook. If you know you should have access to shared mailbox and it is not appearing under your folders in Outlook, restart Outlook first. If the shared mailbox folder still isn't appearing, you can manually add it by following the steps below.


1. Right-click on "Folders" or your email address in the left pane of Outlook.

2. Click on "Add shared folder or mailbox".

3. Put in the email address of the shared mailbox you are adding. It should show up as a search result as you begin typing in the address.

4. Click on "Add".

5. The shared mailbox should now be appearing under your Outlook folders on the left. If you do not see it, it may be in a "Shared with Me" folder. An example is shown below.


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